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Sharepoint Resources

A list of links that may be useful to Sharepoint learners.
Expand/Collapse Resource Type : Blogs ‎(9)
Ian Morrish Blog
One of the most visited sites about Sharepoint.
Sharepoint Blogs
A gathering place for Sharepoint bloggers.
Sharepoint Sites and Blogs
Ian Morrish's list of Sharepoint-based web sites, and Sharepoint bloggers. One of the most complete anywhere.
Joel Oleson's List of Sharepoint Blogs and Podcasts
Another noble attempt to list Sharepoint resources. Joel Oleson gets a lot of air time in the Sharepoint world.
Sharepoint Knowledge Maps
Not a lot of content here, but it's one example of someone trying to combine mindmaps and Sharepoint.
Enduser Sharepoint Blog
No geekspeak here - lots of useful tips for those who aren't developers but want to get more out of Sharepoint.
The Difference between a Discussion List and a Blog
Sharepoint discussion lists and blogs look similar in some respects. This is a good illustration of the differences.
Sharepoint Blogs for End Users
Yet another list of Sharepoint-related blogs, but with more orientation toward end users.
How to Use Document Metadata
This is a good explanation of how to introduce the idea of metadata for organizing documents in Sharepoint.
Expand/Collapse Resource Type : Community Sites ‎(4)
Sharepoint User Group
Sponsored by SusQTech, a Microsoft MVP on the east coast.
As advertised: is a web site where people discover and share useful content about SharePoint and SharePoint related products and technologies. It’s a social computing application built on top of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007.
Community Kit for Sharepoint
Open-source extensions for Sharepoint. Codeplex is a Microsoft-hosted experiment in open source.
How Good is Sharepoint Wiki?
Not very good, according to these academics.
Expand/Collapse Resource Type : Microsoft Resources ‎(4)
Microsoft TechNet Library for SPS 3.0
List of resources related to Sharepoint Server 3.0.
Gear Up - Implementation Aids
Helps you if you have responsibility for a major Sharepoint project, from developing the business case to managing the launch and supporting the site.
Sharepoint Tour
Video tour of Sharepoint capabilities on the Microsoft site.
Sharepoint 2010 Sneak Peek
A site launched in July 2009 to preview Sharepoint 2010 enhancements. That release is projected to arrive mid-2010.
Expand/Collapse Resource Type : Video Tutorials ‎(6)
Sharepoint Video Tutorials
Provided by, which is the hosting provider for all the UCA group sites.
Wikis in Plain English
Not necessarily Sharepoint - but if you don't really get wiki, this is a great resource.
RSS in Plain English
Not necessarily Sharepoint - but if you don't really get RSS, this is a great resource. Commoncraft does great work.
How to Add Twitter to Sharepoint
Twitter is not something we use, but it is growing rapidly outside corporate walls.
Blogs in Plain English
Another great piece of work by Commoncraft...
Sharepoint in Plain English
Microsoft hired Commoncraft to create this explanation. Available in .wmv format if you don't have Silverlight.
Expand/Collapse Resource Type : Wikis ‎(1)
How Wikipedia Explains Sharepoint
Wikipedia has a reasonably objective viewpoint of Sharepoint as a product.